Long Hair Silicone Cap Black-PInk

Long Hair Silicone Cap Black-PInk


Dive in with TYR as we continue to fight the battle against breast cancer. Every time you buy a TYR Pink product -- including the TYR Pink Long Hair Wrinkle-Free Silicone Cap -- TYR will donate $1.00 to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.


The swim caps unique asymmetric design effortlessly accommodates long hair, while reducing pressure around the head. There is also an improved contour cut around the ears. Constructed with 100% silicone, the LCSLB long hair swim cap is extremely comfortable and durable, and it effectively reduces drag in the water and maximizes your speed. 


This TYR Pink swim cap won't only make you look great; it will make you feel great knowing you are raising hope for a cancer-free future. 


TYR Fabrication: 100% Silicone